cumulative distribution function

英 [ˈkjuːmjələtɪv ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn ˈfʌŋkʃn] 美 [ˈkjuːmjəleɪtɪv ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn ˈfʌŋkʃn]




  1. The probability density function, cumulative distribution function, average level crossing rate and average fade duration of each composite fading channel are analyzed, and some uniform expression.
  2. The probabilistic distribution model for the release rates of H2S in the sour gas wells of Sichuan and Chongqing areas was developed using the complementary cumulative distribution function.
  3. The conclusion is: the method of averager wind speed and standard deviation is the best and the method of cumulative distribution function is the better, the method of average wind speed and maximun wind speed has a large fluctuation because the maximum wind speed changed more randomly.
  4. Analysis and calculation show that the constant bandwidth is unreasonable in the calculation of the cumulative distribution function. So bandwidth calculated from the modified wide band model is used in the cumulative distribution function calculation.
  5. The Gaussian and Gamma approximations to system capacity cumulative distribution function were very accurate.
  6. Utilizing an approximate formula of the first kind zero-order modified Bessel function I 0 ( x), an approximate closed form of cumulative distribution function ( CDF) of a Rice random variable ( RRV) is worked out.
  7. Bandwidth is an important parameter for gas radiative heat transfer calculation, and a parameter for the calculation of the cumulative distribution function in the correlated k method.
  8. The simulations performed by the system include: sets operation, ordinary probability density function and cumulative distribution function in the teaching material, game of probability, solution of probability question and Monte Carlo simulation.
  9. They can be expressed by the nonlinear equation for the Cdf ( cumulative distribution function) of generalized noncentral t-distribution.
  10. In the process of applying the Bradford cumulative distribution function to practice, first it is necessary to estimate parameter of the distribution.
  11. The computation results shows that the method can accurately approximate the cumulative distribution function of fault critical clearing time, and reduces computational burden and improves the speed of computation.
  12. Thirdly, the K distribution cumulative distribution function, the 2k order origin moments of K distribution, the parameter estimation based the two and four order origin moments of K distribution are deduced comprehensively.
  13. NUMERICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF THE BRADFORD CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION The pattern of cumulative growth could be fitted by the power function satisfactorily.
  14. In this paper, reliability analysis method of point-supported curtain wall under wind load has been proposed based on Monte Carlo method. The cumulative distribution function and reliability of the structural peak displacement under different wind distribution models are obtained. Some important conclusions have finally been drawn.
  15. Thirdly, cumulative distribution function value of the grade serials were calculated by matlab software according to distributing function and eigenvalue. Fourthly, Monte Carlo methods mathematics can generate the grade serials.
  16. The strain amplitude aside the pin-hole was fit by the second order Response Surface. The cumulative distribution function of strain amplitude was achieved with Monte Carlo method.
  17. The cumulative distribution function is exactly Rayleigh's except that only integral numbers are taken for the variable, the distribution function thus built up is named discrete Rayleigh distribution function.
  18. We analyze the cumulative distribution function ( CDF) and probability dense function ( PDF) of output signal-noise-rate ( SNR) at the optimal relay node and destination node theoretically.
  19. According to the cumulative distribution function of wind power, the stochastic optimization problem is transformed to a deterministic one.
  20. And we prove it can achieve better effect than Fisher z transformation in approximating the cumulative distribution function, by comparing the difference between Fisher z transformation and Sigmoid function with that and the cumulative distribution function.
  21. Compared with the performance of the IEEE 802.16d standard, the IPR method achieves better Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function ( CCDF) performance without BER performance degradation almost.
  22. Based on sustainability assessment, by cumulative distribution function of data from evaluation, the division was made depending on groundwater sustainable assessment result in current year, and reasonable exploitation and utilization suggestions were proposed about each division.
  23. The algorithm starts by setting a threshold value based on the data analysis for the cumulative distribution function of channel gain information, only the users whose channel gain values are above the set threshold value are considered.
  24. In this project I analyze the PAPR of SC-FDMA and analytically derive the time domain SC-FDMA signals and numerically compare PAPR characteristics using the complementary cumulative distribution function ( CCDF) of PAPR.
  25. For both LOS and NLOS cases, different MIMO capacities are calculated and examined. For the better comparison, the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function ( CCDF) of MIMO channel capacity is calculated.